Superior Distribution System

Reporters, opinion leaders, and news organizations all around the world rely on IBN's distribution service because of its impressive reach and strength. What distinguishes us is this:

Your story will be accessible to a wide variety of media professionals thanks to our network's extensive reach, which includes over 100,000 newsrooms.

  • Customized Reach: We link you up with more than 20,000 journalists and influencers, so your work will be seen by influential people in the industry.
  • Digital Amplification:The number of websites and digital channels that our reach reaches exceeds 5,000, allowing us to maximize online visibility and interaction.

Expertise in Storytelling

The knowledge and experience of our staff members, in addition to our vast network, are what make IBN special. Breaking some of history's most famous stories is something we've done before. Your communications will now benefit greatly from this experience, which is now at your disposal:

  • Expert Opinion: We know the ins and outs of good storytelling and can help you break the news in a way that gets media attention.

In order to accomplish your unique objectives, we employ a method of strategic distribution to get your material to the platforms where it will have the greatest possible impact.

A Commitment to Excellence

When you choose IBN to distribute your content, you're not only connecting with a vast network. As a result, you can be assured that every piece of material we disseminate will be managed with the highest level of expertise and strategic acumen thanks to our dedicated team.

From sole proprietors to multinational conglomerates, or even individuals with an inspiring tale to share, IBN's distribution service is designed to cater to your every need and go above and beyond your expectations. Use International Broadcasting Networks' (IBN) trusted experience and vast network to increase the exposure and impact of your story. Allow us to be the messengers who bring your message to a global audience.

Establishing Trusting Relationships with Key Journalists and Prominent Figures at IBN: Achieving the Most Important Goals

A person's network is crucial in the public relations and media industries. Understanding the importance of building and maintaining connections with influential journalists and public figures, International Broadcasting Networks (IBN) provides tailored services to assist you in doing just that. If you want your message to be heard and your brand to be seen more, this is the way to go.

Strategic Alliances with Media Professionals

As information disseminators and agents of public opinion, journalists are indispensable.

Allows IBN to do:

Finding and contacting the journalists who are most interested in your business and brand is an important part of targeted connections.

  • Tailored Pitch and Message Creation: Help journalists understand your brand's narrative by creating personalized pitches and messaging.

Engaging with Influencers

Obtaining the attention of influencers can change public opinion and boost your brand's visibility.
